Since its foundation in 2000, the JSC Belfreight has evolved into one of the most successful and recognized provider of integrated shipping and related services in northern regions of the Russian Federation. The company specializes in sea and river shipping and towage, actively participating in oil-and-gas and research projects on the Arctic shelf of Russia.
Our offices are set up in the key northern sea ports of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. We possess a multifunctional vessel fleet of our own, a shore base and a series of industrial subsidiaries.
Belfreight’s dry-cargo ships trade in the Kara, Barents, White, Baltic, Caspian, Black, Mediterranean seas, inland water ways of the central Russia, the rivers of Ob and Enisey.
Our fleet of dedicated vessels (tugs and research ships) is prepared to trade at the Barents, Kara and Laptev seas. Based on wide experience of working in the Arctic, Belfreight has deeply modernized its vessels to provide them with exclusive operational and commercial characteristics.
JSC Belfreight, as a various service provider (ship owner, ship’s agent, forwarder, project operator etc.) ensures transport support to companies of oil-and-gas industry and research organizations, involved in development of mainland and continental shelf regions of the Russian part of Arctic. Belfreight is a participant of the most complicated projects, and the company’s structure, its staff experience and qualification allow it to provide a customer with turnkey transport solutions.
Our main partners: oil and gas companies, regional enterprises of timber industry and machine-building complex, state bodies, sea and river ports, research institutions and enterprises.
JSC Belfreight is a member Arkhangelsk regional association of oil-and-gas industry suppliers Sozvezdiye.